

Meet the future of falling number diagnostics.
Wet weather or temperature fluctuations during key growth stages of wheat can result in significant quality issues such as preharvest sprout damage and Late Maturity Amylase (LMA). Due to the increased alpha-amylase enzyme production caused by this damage, grain is rendered unsuitable for baking and only saleable for feed use at a significant discount. If damaged wheat isn’t detected up front, grain buyers risk both overpaying for damaged grain and potentially contaminating sound grain stores.
Until now, the industry has been tied to the Hagberg-Perten Falling Numbers method—a mechanical test, unchanged for nearly 70 years—as the only method to assess baking quality in bulk wheat. But high equipment and maintenance costs, specialty training needs, and safety and efficiency concerns make the falling number method...less than ideal. That's why EnviroLogix is proud to introduce TotalTarget for Sprout Damage—the world’s first rapid test for pre-harvest sprouting and LMA. Developed in conjunction with the wheat experts at Washington State University under a grant from the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR), TotalTarget for Sprout Damage is a simple strip test that measures the amylase activity in wheat and reports results in the same units (seconds) as falling number machines.
With the needs of the wheat industry front and center, TotalTarget for Sprout Damage was developed for maximum efficiency, safety, and ease. Able to be run in tandem with our best-in-class TotalTox DON mycotoxin tests in just 7 minutes, this game-changing technology outpaces falling number machines across every dimension–from online data management to effortless batch testing.

Learn how TotalTarget for Sprout Damage
compares to falling number machines.
Gluten Detection
The possibility for gluten-bearing grains to mix with inbound ingredients through cross-contact and end up in finished product is a real risk in the grain processing industry. Protect your Gluten Free brand with TotalTarget for Gluten. This first-of-its-kind quantitative LFD for gluten detection can validate your food safety plan by ensuring that gluten contamination in ingredients is below acceptance criteria—while reducing reliance on costly lab testing.

Learn more details about
TotalTarget for Gluten.

Peanut Detection
Peanut allergen contamination in grain presents a critical threat that, when left unmanaged, can put the safety of your customers and your corporate reputation at risk. The presence of even minute peanut particles can cause anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal reaction that can come on within minutes of exposure. Food allergies may affect only 3.5-4% of the U.S. population, but this number appears to be on the rise—especially in children—with effects that can range from mild to severe. With TotalTarget for Peanut, you can have quantitative on-site results in just 6 minutes—protecting your customers and your brand from the serious consequences of peanut contamination.

Learn more details about
TotalTarget for Peanut.
Raising the Bar on Enogen® Detection
Launched in 2011 by Syngenta®, Enogen® corn is a genetically modified (GMO) variety of corn developed to drive efficiencies in ethanol and cattle feed production. Enogen corn contains a special trait that enables it to produce within the kernel a high amount of alpha-amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch to sugar. This enzyme saves on the cost and energy of converting corn starch to alcohol in ethanol production, and is claimed to improve digestibility of cattle feed, which has led to its rapid adoption across the US. But the alpha-amylase that is helpful in the ethanol and feed industries can signal disaster in corn slated for food production—resulting in issues like crumbly chips, soggy cereal, and non-forming dough. As the adoption of Enogen corn rises, so does the risk for cross-contamination into food productions streams.
TotalTarget for Enogen is the only decision-point test on the market able to detect the presence of Enogen at 0.04%. Magnitudes better than our prior low-sensitivity product (AS-070-BG), and with a simple water extraction, it makes targeting Enogen contamination simpler, safer, and more accurate than ever.

Learn more details about
TotalTarget for Enogen.

Soupy grits and crumbly chips are only a few of the serious product failures that can occur with Enogen corn gets into corn slated for food production. Read our Case Study about how one of the country’s biggest corn processors tackled masa flour failures with the help of TotalTarget.