2019 Fusarium Head Blight in North Carolina

Is your wheat at risk for mycotoxin infection?

Wheat Harvest in North Carolina

A large number of midwestern and eastern states are at considerable risk for Fusarium head blight. According to The United States Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, "Local reports from the affected areas indicate that wheat is at or approaching growth stages that are most vulnerable to disease..." Producers in these areas should monitor weather conditions carefully and consult with local extension experts or consultants for more information.

Mid-western and eastern states with disease vulnerability, from May 7 - June 10.
Fusarium Head Blight risk map showing the United States
Distribution of disease vulnerability by county in North Carolina, from May 7 - June 10.
Fusarium Head Blight risk map showing North Carolina
map legend

The most likely mycotoxin to occur as a result of Fusarium Head Blight is Deoxynivalenol (also known as DON, Vomitoxin, or Vom). EnviroLogix strongly recommends conducting regular mycotoxin testing to ensure that grain quality consistently meets or exceeds your standards...and those of your customers. Complete the form at right for more information about how to protect your profits by conducting mycotoxin testing at your facility as part of your standard workflow.

DON Flex in Action

To test for DON, EnviroLogix makes DON Flex (EnviroLogix part number AQ-304-BG). The video below shows the DON Flex test protocol in action. For more information about DON Flex, or other EnviroLogix products, please complete the form.

Fusarium Head Blight Animation Sources:

Learn more about testing for DON

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