Explore the Possibilities at PAG

We invite you to attend an industry workshop presented by EnviroLogix at the PAG XXIV conference on January 11, 2016. Learn how this point-of-need solution can transform your workflow. Drinks & hors d’oeuvres will be served to attendees. Workshop topics and presenters are:

  • Applications and Use of DNAble/RNAble Isothermal DNA Amplification and Detection Technology, presented by Breck Parker, PhD, Sr. VP of Research & Development at EnviroLogix
  • 10 minute Quantitative Nucleic Acid Amplification and Detection Technology, presented by Dan Shaffer, Manager, Technology Development

Our innovative DNAble platform is the fastest molecular test on the market, providing qualitative, accurate results in 10 minutes or less. This rapid DNA detection technology will revolutionize the study of plants, animals and beyond.

Stop by booth #103 from January 9-13, where you can learn more about DNAble technology and talk to us about your specific research needs.

We look forward to seeing you at PAG XXIV!