
DON Flex Adds Value by Increasing Throughput

EnviroLogix Soy

Test kit providers, including EnviroLogix, like to tell you how much time you can save when using their products. Why? Because a faster test means more throughput for your facility. For example, our DON Flex kit has the industry’s fastest sample prep and test time, meaning more trucks can be processed during a normal 8-hour shift.

Why is more throughput important? By allowing you to receive more product, you are adding to your bottom line without the expense of extending shifts or adding infrastructure.

In order to help demonstrate this, our field experts got together with our product managers and designed a mycotoxin kit calculator. By simply inputting some data about your facility and capacity, we can quickly and clearly equate time savings to real dollars in your pocket. 

Because every truck has value, the ability to process more truckloads when at full capacity adds more to your bottom line. If we assume every truck is worth $300, here’s an example of how higher throughput using DON Flex can put real money in your pockets.


EnviroLogix has also developed a Common Extraction protocol for DON, Aflatoxin and Fumonisin, with one sample prep, a few transfer steps, and a common four-minute run time. By streamlining many of the steps involved in testing multiple mycotoxins, you can realize even more efficiencies in your workflow. 

Visit our Common Extraction web page to learn more about how to increase efficiencies when testing for multiple mycotoxins.