Catalog |
Cotton Seed Trade Name |
Analytes Detected |
AS-046 |
Bollgard II/Roundup Ready Flex |
Cry1Ac, Cry2A, CP4 EPSPS |
AS-059 |
GlyTol TwinLink |
Cry1Ab, Cry2Ae, 2mEPSPS, PAT/bar |
AS-060 |
Widestrike Roundup Ready |
Cry1Ac, Cry1F, CP4 EPSPS |
AS-067 |
Fibermax LL Bollgard II (with Roundup Ready) |
Cry1A, Cry2A, PAT/bar, CP4 EPSPS |
AS-069 |
Fibermax LL BollgardII (with 2mEPSPS) |
Cry1A, Cry2A, PAT/bar, 2mEPSPS |
AS-175 |
WideStrike 3, Genuity Roundup Ready Flex, Enlist |
AAD-12, Cry1Ac, Cry1F, CP4 EPSPS, Vip3A |
AS-096 |
Bollgard III Xtend Flex |
Cry1A, Cry2A, CP4 EPSPS, DMO, Vip3A |
EnviroLogix offers a variety of GMO cotton tests to support different testing objectives. EnviroLogix’ GMO cotton test kits improve plant breeders’ and fuzzy cottonseed processors’ operational efficiency by providing accurate GMO trait diagnostic results at the point of need. Lateral flow test strips (trademarked as QuickStix™) have been developed to detect up to 5 traits on a single strip. QuickStix can be used to test cotton leaf, single seed, or bulk cottonseed for the absence or presence of certain GMO traits. In breeding programs, leaf tissue can be quickly tested to confirm the inclusion and/or exclusion of desired GMO traits in the greenhouse or in the field. Therefore, trait transmission can be cost-effectively confirmed, or alternatively, undesirable traits can be screened out using EnviroLogix QuickStix for cotton. QuickStix have been combined into a comb format (trademarked as ComboComb™) to increase the throughput of single seed testing (known as genetic purity seed lot testing) for fuzzy cottonseed processors. ComboComb use significantly decreases the wait time per truck at fuzzy cottonseed processing locations thereby improving plant productivity. QuickStix are also used for adventitious presence testing of bulk cottonseed samples to ensure that certain GMO traits are excluded from a seed lot destined for sale. For higher throughput trait confirmation or genetic purity testing, EnviroLogix also provides ELISA GMO cotton test kits.
EnviroLogix stays up-to-date with the most recently commercialized GMO traits. Below is a table of some of our popular products, the trade name of the biotech cotton that it detects and the specific analytes the test detects. Some of our products are manufactured only for certain seed producers or processors and therefore are not advertised on this website. If you are a trait licensee and can’t find what you're looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will help you get the test you need.