Meet the future of falling number diagnostics
The wheat industry knows well that quality issues stemming from sprout damage and late maturity amylase (LMA) can significantly impact bin premiums. Until now, the industry has been tied to the falling number machine as the only method to assess baking quality in bulk wheat. But high equipment and maintenance costs, specialty training needs, and safety and efficiency concerns make the falling number method less than ideal. That’s why EnviroLogix is proud to introduce TotalTarget for Sprout Damage—the world’s first rapid test for pre-harvest sprouting and LMA.
The TotalTarget Kit for Sprout Damage in Wheat is designed for the quantitative detection of alpha-amylase protein activity in bulk grain wheat samples. This one-strip assay provides test results that can be automatically equated to a Hagberg falling number value with the QuickScan lateral flow reader platform.
Key Features
- Fast: Rapid strip format with results in just 7 minutes from prep to read
- Streamlined: Runs in tandem with TotalTox DON for simultaneous results on the same reader
- Safe: No slippery glassware cleanup or burn risk from boiling temperatures
- Connected: Results and insights instantly in the cloud with TotalHub Data Management
- Efficient: High-throughput QuickScan reader makes batch testing effortless
Test Specifications
Detects: Alpha-amylase activity caused by sprout damage or LAM
Results In: 3 min
Matrix: Soft White Wheat
Range of Detection: Hagberg falling number value of 175 – 350 seconds
Reagents: DB6 Supplied with Kit
Catalog Number: AT-SD-W
Kit Contents:
- 50 Sprout Damage Test Strips
- 50 Sprout Damage Substrate Tablets
- 17 mL DB6 Buffer (lot specific)
- 50 Reaction tubes
- 100 pipette tips (100 – 1,000 µL)
- Multi-Matrix Barcode Card- Kit Lot Specific