Detects: Cry1Ac protein in soybean leaf and seed tissue.
Results In: 10 minutes or less.
Matrix: Single leaf or single seed.
LS (full kit): lateral flow membrane strips (dipsticks), 100 strips/kit, sealed in 2 desiccated, reclosable plastic canisters, includes 1 dropper bottle for dispensing buffer and all disposables needed to run the tests.
LSS (strips only): 50 strip/canister; no disposables.
LOD (Limit of Detection): Presence or absence only, visual read.
Reagents: Extraction buffer concentrate included in both kit formats. Distilled or deionized water needed for working buffer preparation. Water not provided.
Target Trade Names: Intacta
Analyte Class: Cry1Ac protein confers resistance lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining.
Catalog Number: AS-433-LS, AS-433-LSS