- Cat #TargetTechnologyFormatSystem
- AT-Gluten-CFast, Easy, Quantitative Gluten LFD TestFood QualityProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-170-BGHigh Sensitivity Enogen Detection Test for corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AT-PeanutOnsite, Quantitative Peanut Allergen Test Result in just 6 minutesFood QualityProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AP-077-NW-V50QualiPlate Combo for Cry1F & Cry34 in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-084-NW-V10QualiPlate for 2mEPSPS in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-051-NW-V10QualiPlate for Cry1A & Cry2A in cottonGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-016QualiPlate for Cry1F in corn & cottonGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-054-NW-V10QualiPlate for Cry34 in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-005-CTQualiPlate for detecting Cry2A in corn & cottonGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-015QualiPlate for detecting Cry3B in corn leaf, seed & bulk grainGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-050QualiPlate for detecting modified Cry3A in corn leaf, seed, & bulk grainGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-014QualiPlate for detecting PAT/patGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-070QualiPlate for Enogen in cornGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-085QualiPlate for Vip3A in Corn Leaf & SeedGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-010QualiPlate Kit for CP4 EPSPS in corn, cotton & soyGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-003-CRBSQualiPlate Kit for Cry1Ab & Cry1Ac in corn & cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- AP-005QuantiPlate for Cry2A in cotton leaf tissueGMOProteinELISA96-well plate
- EP-006QuantiPlate for detecting ImidaclopridWaterProteinELISA96-well plate
- EP-022QuantiPlate for detecting MicrocystinWaterProteinELISA96-well plate
- ACC-054-CAQuickCheck – Corn – AflatoxinMycotoxinLFD StripQuickScan
- ACC-054-WDQuickCheck – Wheat – DONMycotoxinLFD StripQuickScan
- AS-076-TCKQuickComb for bulk soybeansGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- ACC-351QuickScan SystemGMO, MycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AS-069-STCQuickStix Combo Combs for Cry1A, Cry2A, PAT/bar & 2mEPSPS in cotton seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-175-STCQuickStix Combo for AAD-12, Cry1Ac, Cry1F, CP4 EPSPS, and Vip3A in Cotton SeedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-012-LSQuickStix Combo for Cry1A & Cry2A in leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-096-STC-1QuickStix Combo for Cry1A, Cry2A, CP4 EPSPS, DMO, and Vip3A in Cotton Leaf and SeedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-059-STQuickStix Combo for Cry1Ab & Cry2Ae & 2mEPSPS & PAT/bar in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-060-LSQuickStix Combo for Cry1Ac, Cry1F & CP4 EPSPS in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-075-LSQuickStix Combo for Cry1Ac, Cry1F, CP4 EPSPS, and Vip3A in Cotton Leaf and SeedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-087-LSQuickStix Combo for Cry2A, Cry1F, Cry3B & Cry34 in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-046-LSQuickStix Combo for detecting Cry1Ac, Cry2A & CP4 EPSPS in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-067-STQuickStix Combo Strips for Cry1A & Cry2A & PAT/bar & CP4 EPSPS in cotton seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-084-APQuickStix for 2mEPSPS in cottonseed and soybeansGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-418-LSQuickStix for AAD-12 in Cotton and Soy Leaf & SeedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-045-AHQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in alfalfa hayGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-045QuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in alfalfa leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-017-BGQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in canola bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-017-LSQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in canola leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-010-BGQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-010-LSQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in corn leaf & seed and soy leaf tissueGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-011-LSQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-011-APQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in cottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-010-BGBQuickStix for CP4 EPSPS in soy bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-003-BGQuickStix for Cry1Ab in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-003-CRLSQuickStix for Cry1Ab in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-003-CTLSQuickStix for Cry1Ac in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-003-APQuickStix for Cry1Ac in cottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-433-LSQuickStix for Cry1Ac in Soy Leaf & SeedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-016-BGQuickStix for Cry1F in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-016-LSQuickStix for Cry1F in corn leaf and seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-005-BGQuickStix for Cry2A in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-005-LSQuickStix for Cry2A in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-005-APQuickStix for Cry2A in cottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-095-BGQuickStix for Cry2A in soy bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-095-LSQuickStix for Cry2A in soybean leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-054-BGQuickStix for Cry34 in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-054-LSQuickStix for Cry34 in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-015-BGQuickStix for Cry3B in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-015-LSQuickStix for Cry3B in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-051-APQuickStix for Cry51 in cottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-016-APQuickStix for detecting Cry1F in cottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-050-BGBQuickStix for DMO in Soy Bulk GrainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-050-LSQuickStix for DMO in Soy Leaf & SeedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-074-BGQuickStix for eCry3.1Ab in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-074-LSQuickStix for eCry3.1Ab in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-070-STSQuickStix for Enogen in corn single seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-037-BGQuickStix for modified Cry3A in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-037-LTQuickStix for modified Cry3A in corn leaf tissueGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-013-LSQuickStix for PAT/bar in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-013-APQuickStix for PAT/bar in cottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-013-RBQuickStix for PAT/bar in rice bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-040-BGQuickStix for PAT/pat in canola bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-040-LSQuickStix for PAT/pat in canola leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-014-BGQuickStix for PAT/pat in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-014-LSQuickStix for PAT/pat in corn leaf & seed, soy leafGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-014-BGBQuickStix for PAT/pat in soy bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AQ-045-AHQuickStix for QuickScan CP4 EPSPS in Alfalfa HayGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-010-BGBQuickStix for QuickScan CP4 EPSPS in bulk soybeansGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-017-BGQuickStix for QuickScan CP4 EPSPS in Canola Bulk GrainGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-003-BGQuickStix for QuickScan Cry1Ab in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-050-BGBQuickStix for QuickScan DMO in bulk soybeansGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-074-BGQuickstix for Quickscan ECRY3.1AB in Corn Bulk GrainGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AS-085-BGQuickStix for Vip3A in corn bulk grainGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-085-LSQuickStix for Vip3A in corn leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-485-LSQuickStix for Vip3A in cotton leaf & seedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-485-APQuickStix for Vip3A in cottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-050-APQuickStix Kit for DMO in Bulk CottonseedGMOProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AS-201-BGQuickTox for Aflatoxin Free in corn bulk grainMycotoxinProteinLFD StripNo reader required
- AQ-113-BGQuickTox for QuickScan OchratoxinMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-332-BGQuickTox for QuickScan Zearalenone Wheat & CFPMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-314-BGQuickTox Kit for QuickScan T-2/HT-2 FlexMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AT-SD-WTotalTarget for Sprout DamageFood QualityLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-309-BGTotalTox AflatoxinMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-304-BGTotalTox DONMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-440TotalTox™ CombMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-411-BGTotalTox™ FumonisinMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-412-BGTotalTox™ ZearalenoneMycotoxinProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-036-TCKTotalTrait Comb for CornGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan
- AQ-076-TCKTotalTrait™ Comb for SoyGMOProteinLFD StripQuickScan