QuickScan Support

Latest Software

Check here to make sure you have the latest version of QuickScan Software

Note: Windows 8 or older users click here.


System Guides

QuickScan II

QuickScan I


Applications & Test Kits

New! Mycotoxin Matrix Definitions

We know sometimes matrix names are confusing, so we've provided a quick glossary of the matrix definitions used when developing our mycotoxin test kits. Click Here.

Mycotoxin QuickGuides

(Aflatoxin, Fumonisin, Vomitoxin (DON), Ochratoxin, Zearalenone, T-2/HT-2)


Incubator Instructions

Mycotoxin Video Tutorials

- Test Kit Tutorials

- Grinding & Sampling

GMO QuickGuides

GMO Video Tutorials

QuickScan I Scanner Drivers

Only needed when changing computers - QuickScan I only
There are 3 versions of scanner, 500, 500+ and 550+. All 500+ and 550+ models have stickers indicating its number; one on the outside box near the serial number, and one under the lid of the scanner


  • If you don't have a sticker, or if it looks like this, use Scanner Driver Plustek 500
    (Note: 500 series scanner is NOT compatible with Windows 8 or Windows 10...if you have a 500 series scanner that you want to connect to a new computer, please contact Technical Support)






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